Ke-Wei Zhang

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Title: Professor


Master 1990.09-1993.07 Shandong University Botany

Bachelor 1986.09-1990.07 Shandong University Botany


2018.9 -now Shandong University Professor

2000.10-2018.8 Shandong University Associate Professor

1995.07-2000.10 Shandong University Lecturer

1993.07-1995.07 Shandong University Asistant


1.Molecular breeding of salt and drought tolerant cotton

2.Molecular mechanism of maize tolerance to low phosphorus and high photosynthetic efficiency


2016-2020 Cultivation of new cotton varieties with drought, salt, disease and insect resistance in the cotton region of Yellow River basin. Major Research Plan of Genetically Modified Organisms Breeding Major Projects, Grant No.2016ZX08005004-006

2014-2016 Creation and application of new salt tolerant germplasm of cotton. Key Program of Genetically Modified Organisms Breeding Major Projects,Grant No. 2014ZX0800504B

2014-2016 Creation of salt tolerant germplasm of cotton. Key Project of Agricultural engineering for improved varieties of Shandong Province.Grant No.LZ2014

2014-2015 Cultivation of new cotton varieties with drought, salt, disease and insect resistance in the cotton region of Yellow River basin. Major Research Plan of Genetically Modified Organisms Breeding Major Projects, Grant No.2014ZX08005004-0062013.1-2013.12 Cultivation of new cotton varieties with drought, salt, disease and insect resistance in the cotton region of Yellow River basin. Major Research Plan of Genetically Modified Organisms Breeding Major Projects, Grant No.2013ZX08005004-006

2012-2015 The study on molecular mechanism of high photosynthetic efficiency of low-P tolerant maize by proteome analysis. The General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No.31172028

2011-2012 Cultivation of new cotton varieties with drought, salt, disease and insect resistance in the cotton region of Yellow River basin.Major Research Plan of Genetically Modified Organisms Breeding Major Projects, Grant No. 2011ZX08005004-006

2009-2011 The study onAgrobacteriummediated double-gene transformation of cotton resistant to salt. General Project of Science and Technology Development Plan of Shandong Province,Grant No. 2009GG10009010

2008-2011 Cultivation of new cotton varieties with drought, salt, disease and insect resistance in the cotton region of Yellow River basin. Major Research Plan of Genetically Modified Organisms Breeding Major Projects, Grant No.2008ZX08005004-006


1.KE Zhang,HH Liu,JL Song, et al. Physiological and comparative proteome analyses reveal low-phosphate tolerance and enhanced photosynthesis in a maize mutant owing to reinforced inorganic phosphate recycling. BMC Plant Biology, 2016, 161: 129.

2.KE Zhang ,JL Song,XG Chen, et al. Expression of the Thellungiella halophila vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase gene (TsVP) in cotton improves salinity tolerance and increases seed cotton yield in a saline field. Euphytica, 2016,211:231-244.

3. Kewei Zhang, Hanhan Liu, Peiling Tao, Huang Chen. Comparative Proteomic Analyses Provide New Insights into Low Phosphorus Stress Responses in Maize Leaves. Plos one, 2014.2014.9(5):e98215.

4. Kewei Zhang, Juan Wang, Lijun Lian, Wenju Fan, Ning Guo, Sulian Lv. Increased chilling tolerance following transfer of a betA gene enhancing glycinebetaine synthesis in cotton (Gossypium hirsutumL.). Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2012,30(5):1158-1171.

5. Kewei Zhang, Ning Guo, Lijun Lian, Juan Wang, Sulian Lv, Juren Zhang Improved salt tolerance and seed cotton yield in cotton (Gossypium hirsutumL.) by transformation with betA gene for glycinebetaine synthesis. Euphytica, 2011,181(1):1-16.

6. KW. Zhang, Y. Li , L. Lian. Pollen-mediated transgene flow in maize grown in the Huang-huai-hai region in China.Journal of Agricultural Science, 2011,149 (2):205-216. 4

7.Kewei Zhang, Juan Wang, Xiaorui Hu, Aifang Yang, Juren Zhang. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of shoots apex of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensisL.) and Production of Transgenic Plants Carrying betA Gene. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2010,102(2): 135-143.


KW Zhang et al. A method for creating new salt and drought tolerant germplasm by transgene pyramiding. Chinese patent, ZL200910017363.5.

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